Topics du Jour
Taking the Blame - It's difficult to admit to one's mistakes, but it can actually help your career.
Buying/Selling PTO - Employers continue to look for ways to add benefits...this is an interesting example.
Interrupting Etiquette - It's important to understand when and how to appropriately interrupt a co-worker.
Instant Messages at Work - There's a certain balance in util...
The Pan African Community Association (PACA) is run largely through volunteer effort. PACA provides services for African immigrants and refugees in the greater Milwaukee area of Wisconsin. The organization strives to provide services that facilitate access to jobs, housing, transportation, medical care, education, and support for families. In this episode of Volunteering At, host Azure Mahara speaks with Michael Grochowski...
Topics du Jour
Unwritten Dress Code - Sure there are policies against certain items, but there are smaller aspects of attire that can make you look bad...or great.
Benefits - With this economy and competition for jobs, employers are thinking outside the box with benefits they offer and how it helps their employees.
Effective or Efficient - When completing a project, which is better? Do it qui...
Topics du Jour
Interview Don'ts - Some friendly advice on what not to say during the all-important job interview.
Home Life for Women - The ladies examine any correlation between women who focus on home life and if it holds them back in the workforce.
Picking Your Battles - It's important to know when to hold your line and when to go with the flow - it's all about healthy working relationship...
The American Red Cross performs humanitarian work in your community, but they can't do it alone. Your commitment to the Red Cross not only means helping others within your community through your local Red Cross; it means helping others across the world by joining the millions of volunteers worldwide that make up the global Red Cross network. In this episode of Volunteering At, host Azure Mahara speaks with James Starr from...
Interfaith programs depend on volunteers to make their mission, vision, and values possible. With your help they are able to make an incredible difference in the lives of over 16,000 older adults, caregivers, and workers in Milwaukee, WI. In this episode of Volunteering At, host Azure Mahara speaks with Lynn Friedman from Interfaith about the many ways to give back through volunteering.
Topics du Jour
Bad Credit - There's a belief that bad credit will hurt your chances at a job - the Quad examines and offers up advice.
Out-of-Town Conferences - Some people act as though an out-of-town work trip is a mini vacation, but it's important to dress and act professionally...always.
Importance of Processes - Stories of the benefits and value of processes in the workplace.
Topics du Jour
Staying Home Sick - There's often a pressure to work through an illness, but staying home is the right choice for a number of reasons...but don't fall behind.
Work Ethic - What does this popular term actually mean in regards to hiring, production and its interpretation.
Sick Days and Comp Time - An employer gives you a certain amount of days or hours out of the office if you ne...
Topics du Jour
Top Jobs That Make You Fat - A candid discussion on what positions affect your weight and health...and some tips to counteract the issues.
Stupid Career Advice - Some people give great advice related to your job, but other tips you need to ignore.
Etiquette When Leaving - The Quad hosts talk about the pros and cons of leaving behind your contact information when you quit a job....
Topics du Jour
Don't Say It - There are some obvious phrases you shouldn't utter to your boss, but more subtle comments can be just as damaging.
Dating in the Workplace - Should you even do it? The Quad asks that question and offers up some other advice when romance is in the air.
Does Someone Have to Go? - A new reality TV show puts the employees in charge of making the decisions, including...