21 to 30 of 33
  • by Kimberly Schneiderman - November 22, 2010
    Getting something solid out of a book can be a tough challenge for me. Many business books are written for business owners that have brick-and-mortar stores and / or a large number of employees. Self-help books deal with a lot of deep problems that I (knock on wood) just do not have in my life. A lot of books simply don’t have a good grasp of what it means to do business as a solo-preneur in New York City. So when I came ac...
  • by Kimberly Schneiderman - November 22, 2010
    Saboteur (n): A rather loud, obtrusive inner voice that comes at us with a force so powerful that we sometimes cannot help to believe what it says.Ok, that might not be Merriam-Webster’s definition of the word saboteur, but it is the gist of its impact on your thoughts. This voice will make claims such as:- You aren’t qualified for a ___________ position.- You shouldn’t waste your time on __________________ because it will...
  • by Kimberly Schneiderman - November 19, 2010
    In this time of corporate upheaval, economic downturn, and general uneasiness, manyjob seekers rush to get resumes out and interviews set up. In this rush, simple detailsthat can make a candidate stand out among their peers are often left by the wayside.Today, we'll review these job search basics and define how adhering to these ideas willhelp you get the attention you want from recruiters!Make Connecting Easy: Email 101Use...
  • by Kimberly Schneiderman - June 22, 2010
    Chances are you saw this Yahoo! article: finance.yahoo.com/news/Outofwork-job-applicants-told-cnnm and panicked - especially if you are an unemployed job seeker in a tough industry. So what can you do? After all, NYC is already the toughest place live and work - and now you have this to think about? My advice is to take the article with a grain of salt. While the information is pretty discouraging and employers do have a...
  • by Kimberly Schneiderman - May 24, 2010
    After attending the Resume Writing Academy's E-Summit on Writing LinkedIn Profiles www.resumewritingacademy.com/esummit-writing-profiles, I am sharing a few key ideas that will help you make your LinkedIn profile and overall presence more appealing to recruiters, potential business partners, and customers. Most people filled out their LinkedIn profile several months or years ago and haven't touched it since. So often, th...
  • by Kimberly Schneiderman - April 12, 2010
    It is no secret that things are "tough out there," even in the indestructible city of New York, people have experienced roadblocks in their job searches that are discouraging, confusing, and frustrating. Based on some questions posed to me recently from readers, I've created a few pointers to keep your job search on track.1. Job Offers: a job offer isn't a job offer until it is in writing. It doesn't matter if it came from...
  • by Kimberly Schneiderman - March 29, 2010
    Do you ever find you get so caught up in your list of things to do that you don't seem to get anything done? Following these four ideas to help you manage your daily tasks and long range projects will result in lots of checkmarks on your chore list!1. The Daily To-Do Priority Technique: Look at your list of tasks. Put an "A" next to the items that absolutely have to be done first. Put a "B" next to the items that really nee...
  • by Kimberly Schneiderman - January 7, 2010
    Lucky Vanous (http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4ADRA_enUS348US348&q=lucky+vanous) did not set out to be the global superstar model for Diet Coke that is his legacy. In fact, he wanted to be a lawyer. In this interview Lucky shares with us a little of his background, along with some valuable life lessons he's learned along the way.When Lucky landed the Diet Coke gig, he was married and attending...
  • by Kimberly Schneiderman - October 16, 2009
    Q1: What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in a small company or a large company? WHY: Helps the HR team understand the breadth of a candidate's experience, including the amount (or lack thereof!) of resources they are accustomed to working with on the job. STRATEGY: Being honest with this answer, yet positive, will serve you well. Describe the advantages as you view them, while keeping your audience in mind!...
  • by Kimberly Schneiderman - December 23, 2008
    Whether you are out of work by circumstance or by choice, there are several things to learn by others’ job search experiences. Each of the job searchers featured in this article was out of work at least four months; one participant had not had a paying job in over 20 years! Their search experiences are unique, yet have similar themes. You can learn from their successes as well as their blunders.1. No matter what your timeli...