It's Not About You
Job seekers frequently ask how to shorten their three/four-page résumé: “I’ve done so much and have so many skills; I just hate to leave anything off.” A good place to start is by coming to the realization that when it comes to advertising what you are “selling” (your knowledge, skills and experience) it’s not about you.

One of my clients was faced with this dilemma when we first began working together. He was trying to secure a position in the federal government and was frustrated with his lack of success in securing a “best qualified rating.” He was proud of all he knew and all he had accomplished and wanted to share this information each time he applied, no matter what the position required.

I too am proud of all I know and all I have accomplished, but I also learned to accept the reality that it’s not about me. Jack hired me to help him apply for federal jobs. He couldn’t care less that I was also very knowledgeable and experienced in writing grants for non-profits or helping laid-off blue collar factory workers transition their skills and experience to medical office positions. He wanted to know what I knew about federal applications and what experience I had helping clients land positions with the government.

Do I change my marketing message every time I am approached by a prospective client? You’re darned right I do! Until I know what they want and what they need, I can’t possibly know which of my skills and experience are of particular interest to them.

Most job seekers seem to miss the mark because they mistakenly believe it is all about them – what they know, what they can do, and what they need. Don’t get me wrong; to be effective you want to proudly share what you know and what you do well, but the key is to be selective and keep the employer’s wants and needs in mind. Tailor your marketing message (this even includes “tweaking” your résumé) for each and every job. You’ll outshine (and out smart) your competitors and net better results.

Think of it this way: If you want seafood, you aren’t the least bit interested in how well I can grill a steak!