Brenda Berkelaar is an assistant professor at The University of Texas at Austin’s Moody College of Communication. Her research and teaching focus on work and career, in particular how new communication technologies like social media influence our understandings and practices of work and career in the 21st century. Her work appears in publications such as Communication Monographs, Human Relations, Management Communication Quarterly, and Communication Yearbook, as well as a number of edited books. Prior to academia, Brenda worked in information technology, non-profits and as an independent consultant.

One of the nation's foremost institutions for the study of advertising and public relations, communication sciences and disorders, communication studies, journalism and radio-TV-film, the University of Texas at Austin Moody College of Communication is preparing students to thrive in an era of media convergence. Serving more than 4,700 undergraduate and graduate students, the Moody College is nationally recognized for its faculty members, research and student media.